AX does not hire you; we contract you as an independent contractor (IC). AX will provide a 1099 Tax Form at the end of the year to IC’s that will document funds paid during the year to you. The IC is responsible for all tax issues.
AX provides overseas insurance (Defense Base Act) when working on a U.S. Government contract
AX will not be responsible for IC costs incurred such as mailings, passports, physicals, or shots to support contract efforts. If you are interested in working with AX, and have experience in this field, you will already have prepared yourself as a professional.
Additionally, no active duty military personnel will be contracted for OCONUS work. If you are recently retired or separated from service a copy of your DD-214 may be required.
Due to the rotational nature of field work, individuals will be teamed with other personnel and personalities must mesh to support a positive working environment. A willingness to work well beyond eight hours a day may be required. Your focus must be on presenting a unified team appearance and attitude to the client. You are assessed in the field by AX leadership and at initial training by staff. If you do not appear to be a team player or have attitude problems we will terminate the process. We seek quiet professionals for long term relationships.
Our deployment model for IC’s is built around the basic structure of a ninety-day (90) field deployment. This allows the IC to have greater control over your "down time." After initial, successful assessment and training as a member of a team you are deployed directly from your home of record/location to the work site.
You must supply three references with whom you have worked. All references are subject to verification.
To see if your skills are what we are seeking please see the Consultant Descriptions section.
AX does not sell, rent, share, transfer or monetize your personal data in any way, for any reason, whatsoever.